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What happened so far


World Premiere – Anniversary Concert by Wolfgang Rihm

4th November 2007 in the Freiburg Konzerthaus

Wolfgang Rihm has composed an oratorio work for orchestra and choir especially for the 550th anniversary of Albert-Ludwigs University. The world premiere will has taken place in the Large Hall of the Konzerthaus, as a “crowning conclusion” of the anniversary celebrations.

Congress on Future

Congress on Future - Experiment with the boundaries of the classic university

20th and 21st September 2007 in the Kollegiengebäude II

For the classic university, pushing the boundaries is nothing new. The freedom of research and teaching and striving for knowledge beyond all limits are, in the best “Humboldt” sense, ideals towards which the classic university orientates. Today research is increasingly taking place outside the universities, and although networked worldwide they still compete for the best students and teachers.

Summer Festival

Summer Festival

14th July 2007 in the “Universitätszentrum” and Werderring

Students, University staff and citizens from the city and region have drawn the Festival Week and Science, Art and Culture Fair to a close with a lavish Summer Festival. A variety of live music, stage shows and cultural contributions from local artists have been presented in the Kollegiengebäude I and II and in the MensaBar (Rampartstrasse).

Science Fair

Science Fair

From 11th – 14th July 2007 in the “Universitätszentrum”

The four-lane Werderring in Freiburg has been closed to make way for the four-day Science, Art and Culture Fair, where research at Albert-Ludwigs University has been presented “up close and personal”. Three stages have been set up for music, theatre and cabaret performances, alongside scientific presentations from the individual faculties and institutes, including external research establishments such as the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft.


International Environment Days

April 12  to 15 Assembly Hall (Aula) of the University of Freiburg (Kollegiengebäude I)

Environment and sustainability, as well as science and practice, are the keywords for the International Environment Days organized by the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in the jubilee year 2007. Supported by highly esteemed and internationally renowned personalities, such as the former UNEP Director Prof. Dr. Klaus Töpfer and the Indian environmental activist Vandana Shiva, who in 1993 received the Right Livelihood Award (also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize) students from all over the world will have an opportunity for discussion with leading representatives from the fields of science, business and governmment.

Eröffnungskonzert (c) R.Buhl

Opening Concert

Wednesday 31st January 2007 at 7.00pm in the Auditorium Maximum (Kollegiengebäude II)

The anniversary festivities were officially opened by the Albert-Ludwigs University Academic Orchestra, fittingly with Brahms’ Academic Festival Overture. Robert Schumann’s famous Spring Symphony followed, musically reflecting the beginning of the special year.


Benefit Gala

A festive start for the New University Trust in Europapark
Congratulations from the Minister of the Interior Wolfgang Schäuble

The New University Trust Freiburg was introduced to the public on 24th November 2006 under the motto ‘an evening for science’, with a festive Benefit Gala at Europapark. The Trust has the ambitious aim of providing 500 scholarships for students, 50 guest lectureships and 5 professorships.


"A Window to the University"

Opening of the Society for the Promotion of University and Economic Relations

With the University and Economy Support Group Freiburg University aims to move into a new dimension of collaboration with the regional economy. The opening of the new, Open Forum on 7th November 2006 proved how great is the interest from both parties with regard to expanding and consolidating the relationship. Almost 200 visitors from small business and retail industry used the opportunity to look through the “window to the University”.

last modified 2022-06-27