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Opening Concert

Eröffnungskonzert (c) R.Buhl Wednesday 31st January 2007 at 7.00pm in the Auditorium Maximum (Kollegiengebäude II)

The anniversary festivities were officially opened by the Albert-Ludwigs University Academic Orchestra, fittingly with Brahms’ Academic Festival Overture. Robert Schumann’s famous Spring Symphony followed, musically reflecting the beginning of the special year. Following the concert a reception took place in the foyer of Kollegiengebäude II.

Opening concert greeting by the Vice-Chancellor (.pdf document - German)

Brahms, Festival Overture
Video-Stream (Realplayer), 11:50 min

Schumann, Spring Symphony
Video-Stream (Realplayer), 36:55 min

We thank the project partners of the Opening Concert:

FallerSüdwestmetall Freiburg

Wibke Walter
Anniversary Celebration Coordinational Office
Fax: +49 (0)761-203 9652
Email: walter(-at-)

last modified 2022-06-27